


Lead Engineer • Oct, 2021 — Present

CubeSmart is a Nasdaq listed real estate investment company that invests in self-storage facilities. It is the 4th largest self-storage company in the United States.

  • Leading migration of Cubesmart platform from a third-party vendor to in house development team
  • Currently Managing a team of 6 engineers, project, and personal schedule by consistently meeting deadlines.
  • Highly involved in the creation of Requirement analysis, Solution and detailed architecture design for requirements, Work breakdown and their estimates, PR reviews and user acceptance testing
  • Setup framework for creating ruby tool based tool to serve various tasks related to operations
  • Setup functional automation test framework and pipeline from scratch using Ruby, Cucumber, Rspec and Gherkin with page object model and bring the whole team to up to speed
  • Developed and setup ruby app to setup on-demand database environment for development work setup and debug production issues
  • Documented multiple functional artifacts and test cases for black box testing
  • Mentoring and guiding junior developers in Ruby on Rails development work

Technologies/libraries used : Ruby on Rails, Postgres, ElasticSearch, Cucumber, Rspec


Tech Lead Engineer • Jun, 2021 — Nov, 2021

Treniq is Fintech/ecommerce startup and Leading international interiors network for design professionals.

  • Lead the team for 7-8 developers to deliver e-commerce and event management platform within a tight deadline.
  • Conceptualized and implemented events app poc.
  • Dockerize to development environment for smooth onboarding for new joinees
  • Implemented error and log monitoring
  • revamped the ui functionality by making it much more modular.

Technologies/libraries used : Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Git

Zinc Learning labs

Senior Engineer • Sep, 2016 — May, 2021

Zinc Learning labs is New York based Ed-Tech startup which helps more more than a million students in the United States. My work involves complex UI implementation based on Angular and React.js with api based backend development with Ruby on Rails along with comprehensive test coverage. It also includes detailed requirement analysis, conceptualization, database design, development, code reviews.

  • Built highly interactive Close Reading Game product
  • Built reporting infrastructure and dashboard based on DBT
  • Worked on various Backend/Frontend functionalities and scaled it to more than 1 million users.
  • Implemented integration with the Google Classroom and CollegeBoard
  • Built end-to-end user/admin facing features with Backend and frontend.

Technologies/libraries used : Ruby on Rails v4.2/v5.0, Postgres, Git, Reactjs, Redux, Redis, Elasticsearch, DBT

Milaap Social Venture Pvt Ltd

Technical Lead • Jan, 2016 — Aug, 2016
Senior Engineer • Jan, 2013 — Dec, 2015
Software Engineer • Feb, 2012 — Dec, 2012

Milaap is a largest crowdfunding/P2P Lending fintech platform in Asia and I was one of the first few members of the tech team. Worked on complex problems involving detailed requirement analysis, conceptualization, database design, development, code reviews, deployment and leading and mentoring junior developers. I worked on many of the core features of our product, mainly.

  • Developed MVP for lending and crowdfunding products.
  • Initiated implementation of React.js on front-end
  • Admin interface to manage inventory, content and customer requests
  • Third-party integration with Salesforce and Cloudinary
  • Social Authentication using Google and Facebook
  • Social Activity Feed implementation using pub-sub mechanism
  • On-the-fly image re-sizing for responsive images
  • Payment gateway(Indian and International both) integration
  • Migrated milaap webapp app from Rails 3.2 to Rails 4.2 .
  • Test cases using rspec( BDD )

Technologies/libraries used : Ruby on Rails (3.2 to 4.1), Postgres, Git, jQuery, ElasticSearch, Bower, Bootstrap, Sass, Coffeescript, Rspec, ReactJS,Capistrano, Unicorn, AWS, S3 cloud storage, ActiveAdmin. Devise, carrierwave, ActiveAdmin, payment gateway integration, salesforce integration

Vinayak Solutions Pvt Ltd

Ruby on Rails Developer • Mar, 2011 — Sep, 2011

Worked on various web applications based on Ruby on Rails in Behavior driven development (BDD) using rspec.Worked with clients on requirement analysis, application architecture and application development.

Projects :

  • – Implemented LinkedIn like social activity stream, follow-unfollow features like twitter and invite friends (Doesn't exist anymore)
  • Freysmiles – Did some maintenance related tasks with strict deadlines.(

Infosys Technologies Ltd.

System Engineer • Aug, 2009 — Feb, 2011

Worked in PE(Product Engineering) Department on a networking project which is mainly concerned to layer 2 and 3. protocols of TCP/IP architecture. As a part of develoment team my responsibilities were :

  • Resolution of software defects in software DSLAM domain.
  • Develop solution with efficient and reusable code
  • Enforce best of class software practices
  • Ensure good communication with other teams

Also developed web base GUI for version control system using Perl/CGI/HTML/CSS/Javascript

System Engineer Trainee

As a fresher, I went under five months of rigorous training in J2EE framework based web application development. Other topics covered were C, SQL, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, UI design, Database design, Software Engineering, UNIX and Data Structures & algorithms. Attended separate sessions on professional practices, communication skills, team work and Leadership skills


Course Year Institute/Board/University %age
B.E. (Computer Science) 2005 - 2009 University of Rajasthan, Kota 68.7%
Class XII (Science) 2003 GSSS, Salumber (BSE , Rajasthan) 77.4%
Class X 2001 GSSS, Salumber (BSE , Rajasthan) 74.8%

Projects and online presence

Core Developer • 2012 — Present

Intereactive gamified learning for English, based on Quiz, Vocab and close Reading.

Core Developer • 2012 — Present

Implemented core features of largest crowdfunding platform in Asia


Primary Developer • 2012

A ruby gem to enhance hooks on ActiveRecord models.

Other Projects :

Online presence :
